
This section contains Financial information about Linton on Ouse Parish Council.

Parish Councils are statutory bodies funded principally by an annual precept. Income and expenditure for the next financial year are calculated in the form of estimates. The net amount (the precept) is added to council tax, collected by the district council and paid to the parish in two six-monthly instalments. The Parish Council can apply for other funding such as grant and funding awards, but it does not receive funds direct from central government.

As a result of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, smaller authorities (including parish councils) are exempt from external audit (i.e. by the Audit Commission).

Instead, smaller authorities are subject to the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities, issued by the Department for Communities and Local Government. This code requires that “relevant information about the authorities’ accounts and governance” is made available to local electors and ratepayers.